Boredom got me again and that is probably the reason why i have this sudden urge of writing something on this blog. thanks boredom, you are indeed useful in 'waking' that drive to write.
but I got a problem.. hm.. what to talk about?
I realised that, I've changed.huh?? hmm maybe.. well motivated bha.. If you do think that I've changed,besides being fattier than the last time you saw me, do tell, face to face, would love to hear it. :) ook.. itu gampang ya.... *ukur BMI again again again.
-intro ni d buat masa dkt U n no room8, no housem8, no class.. ok lifeless kn? no one to talk with.(I mean face to face)..
Life is tougher, but you must be tougher. Keep your head up
and don’t let life knock you down.
A bit tricky in real life… Don’t
get mad easily…Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.(*slalu dgr org ckp bgni x?) so how does the tongue work faster than the brain bcz the brain is the centre of all communication system?or is all about endocrine system but controlled by the brain.? But I got puzzle here.. "anger" can even be without
words/sound! #nmpk x permainan dkt situ? jengjeng..anger can be express by smile too.. naaaahhhh! hm....
*flashback.. years ago.. ibu- nnti bila sudah besar panjang sblm buat apa2 fikir dulu.. jgn smpai sakitkan hati org lain.. kadang2 bila orng marah dia xtunjuk dimuka.. kita xtahu.. bila org sakit hati mcm2 dia boleh buat..
info nasihat seciput.. jom explore lg.. wei... sem1 dah hbis.. weeee.. happy... Alhamdulillah xtrhingga kpd Pemilik Ilmu.. stlh result diumum kn.. Alhamdulillah.. tinggl 1 sem lg sblm brgelar senior.. :)
mai tinjau2 photo sem 1...
info nasihat seciput.. jom explore lg.. wei... sem1 dah hbis.. weeee.. happy... Alhamdulillah xtrhingga kpd Pemilik Ilmu.. stlh result diumum kn.. Alhamdulillah.. tinggl 1 sem lg sblm brgelar senior.. :)
mai tinjau2 photo sem 1...
ni masa latihan sblm buat persembahan :) karnival kokurikulum.. *xpyh cri aq dlm tuh, korang xknl aq pon.
ni masa hari perasmian konvokesyen :) simbolik pelepasan belon dan burung merpati. *merpati? ok aq xingat burung apa ok.. aq hntam jak.. :) belon pink pesar tu dr tangan aku...
yeah dpt ni dr adek hafiz! adek hafiz ni muka mcm cina..umur dia 7 tahun. mak dia jual bunga konvo masa tu. ala bunga tuk org konvo..yg comel2 bagai tuh :)
tu kayu yg aku pungut dulu... eh eh! bukan.. ni la riongkoder... :) asal dr turiong dan rekoder barat.. :) bila digabung jdla riongkoder.. percaya @ tidak aku buat ni dlm masa dua jam dlm bengkel. masa tu punya serabai otak. mcm2 masalah yg dtg tiba2... so me pon fokus kn jak kasi siap.. sebab tidak mahu fikir masalah, conclusion nya FOCUS.. ok.. ni handmade.. hak milik sia.. tersimpan kemas d rumah.. *sila abaikan lapik meja yg buruk..
haha! ni jalan dpn dewan canselor.. ada crita disebalik gmbr ni.. mai baca crita seciput. *mlm tu aq trtidur lpas maghrib. penat tramat.. n then. dah lewat p klas. naik bas smpai dpn dewan..then jln kaki p dewan kuliah plak.. n guess what?? suppose at that time aq tgh present ok.. stgh jam lmbt. klas start pukul 7. aq smpai on time 7.30.. nasib kwn pndai cover.. then2.. msuk kuliah trus present.. hm.. tp everything will be fine bha kan. as long kita tenang.. alhamdulillah.. present ok.. lecturer pon clap his hand la.. ko ingt dia senang mo clap dia punya tgn?? skali dia membebel.. non-stop wei.. tp best ! rindu mo masuk klas dia..
Have faith but understand that faith makes things possible, not easier.